Sunday, March 26, 2006

Seeing SNOW in Spring??!??

Yes... y am i seeing snow outside my window now.... yyyyy???????

Y do they give you 5 days of clear sunny weather only to mess it up with snow the very next day! Grhhhh..... now i'm stuck in my container.... don't even dare to go to T for brunch....

Feel damn tired now man.... slept at 6am yest (thanks to the time shift... don ask me y)
Hosted the stockholm pple ( 8 of them : ty, jeff, and 6 of their frens).... didn't know my room can actually host 2 guests when its so bloody small!! haha.... so xz and merv, rest assured tt u guys can bunk in my rm when u are here (if... u guys are still comin??)

Was my first time at nicolaj's party... was really fun.... tho the music downstairs could've been louder... ha... it was an amazing night when you see pple like Andrew get high... yes, trust me that this is not a common scene, and we know it when he's high..... have you ever hear Andrew shouting to you when there's not such a need?

Epic moment::
Andrew in conversation with a polish at a corner..... me and SY just beside them..... All of a sudden,......

Andrew::"Yea man!! (loud) You don't often see me around!! Coz I'm always studying!!! Ahahhahhahhah (Even louder)"

I immediately nudged SY:
"Eh.. i think Andrew is high"

SY looks and nodded in apprehension

Andrew:: shouts across "U think I'm drunk?? ...... Yea hell man!! I'm drunk!!"

ROFL...... boi tahan....

partied till 3am.... walked back, tok cock, till 6am.... power siah....
The only gd thing abt snowing right this moment... is tt i have an excuse to hide in my rm..... ahahhaha..... rest my case to go Carlsberg today.... crazy man.... travel so far to Carlsberg when its bloody snowing..... zzz.. =p

went shopping yest at copenhagen... damn some of the things are really quite cheap....
bought this sweater(S$33/129 DKK) + belt (S$15/59 DKK) at NewYorker.... plenty of stuff on sale.....

and... the things at the China groceries stores are imba as well..... i feel like moving the entire fridge of dumplings and tangyuan back home....walew...... chinese fooooddd......

The one thing i really miss abt Spore is food man (and of cos my frens and family! =p)

Char kuay tiao, Sambal Sting Ray, Carrot Cake, Mee Pok, Roti Prata, Chicken Rice, Sambal Kankong..... wah.... once i start.... the list just keeps going on.... gotta stop... shhhhhh

nua sunday.... depressing snow.... where is our Spring?? The beautiful Spring that has eluded us for weeks.... It's long overdue brother..... come quick pls?


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