Yummy.... Slurp....
Had my first sushi in 2 mths!! wow.... it was heavenly, esp when the taste of wasabe and the ginger gushes down my throat!! Simply awesome......
promotional price at 55dkk == 15 sing.... quite worth it..... =)

And then shortly after, we cooked one of our best meals ever....
SN was full of praise for the 2 main dishes.....

SY's Golden Nuggets which tasted so much like KFC chicken!! *clap*clap*

My Royal Vege which has a rich authentic Singaporean taste
Haha.... guess these 2 months of cooking is finally paying its dividends....
Actually, I'm beginning to get sick of cooking.... perhaps we should eat out once in a while hor??
But must find those budget ones lar.... =p
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