Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Yummy.... Slurp....

Had my first sushi in 2 mths!! wow.... it was heavenly, esp when the taste of wasabe and the ginger gushes down my throat!! Simply awesome......
promotional price at 55dkk == 15 sing.... quite worth it..... =)

And then shortly after, we cooked one of our best meals ever....
SN was full of praise for the 2 main dishes.....

SY's Golden Nuggets which tasted so much like KFC chicken!! *clap*clap*

My Royal Vege which has a rich authentic Singaporean taste

Haha.... guess these 2 months of cooking is finally paying its dividends....
Actually, I'm beginning to get sick of cooking.... perhaps we should eat out once in a while hor??
But must find those budget ones lar.... =p

Monday, February 27, 2006

Slack Weekend....

Spent my first weekend at home a.k.a containers without stepping out of the campus since I step foot onto denmark. Managed to finish 3 episodes of guess show, deuce bigalow, the interpreter (i think its a real gd show), and seven swords.... And... although its supposed to be a weekend of rest and doing some catching up on school work which i bet everyone did except maybe me and sy... I din't touch a single piece of sch work... arhh... feels so guilty now... although its just gonna be our 5th wk. Hmm... but there's one module which we (me, sy, grace and sn) really have trouble following at all... I actually slept through the entire lab session.... I think I really gotta do smth else gonna get a 'U' and let pple laff man....

Hmm.... oh yar.... and I twisted my neck while playing bball.... hurts real bad when i try to turn my head towards my right. Guess i might be the 2nd sporean to see a doc after darren... =p

Alrighty... guess tt's abt it.... feel like turning in early (130am) today.... think my eyes are tired after watching too much tv/movies.... *guilty*

Friday, February 24, 2006

More Estonia Pics

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Estonia:: Intimidating.... Finland:: hospitable... Denmark:: Simply Delightful

Hmm.... firstly, I've got a damn bad news to announce to all..... I've just lost a good friend, a damn good friend... my panasonic FX8. Yes, I'm sad to say that from this point onwards, I will not be able to post as many pics on my blog anymore. I will probably gotta leech on others for fotos.... how sad... =(

The Story goes:
We were at the "Palace" Area (note that I have very little confidence in the name of the buildings I'm seeing, cos the Lian Bro.s like to keep their customers in suspense but not telling them the next destination... =p).... and saw a rather huge structure at the end of a long stretch of snow-layed road lined with trees. We immediately gathered our forces and headed there....

It seemed that the structure was positioned by the sea..... oooooo.... how cool right.... i'm so close to the sea and part of it is frozen!! Din't really know where the exact boundary of the land and sea was, but we were all kinda fascinated by the icey surface beneath our feet. As we walked further, we saw some swans/ducks (whateva it is) by the edge of the ice..... They sure looked like good materials for pics.... A few of our people were there (Sabri, Soon, Eliz, Jane) and as i approached them, the ducks started to swim close to the shore and in the spur of the moment, with my camera in hand, I ran towards the shore hoping to capture the moment of "ducks in action"....... To my horror, I slipped and fell on my right arm which was holding the camera, smashing the camera against the ice-hard surface of the ground. My LCD screen flew out a few metres in front of me as I stared blankly at the concerned faces that were now all focussed on me. I was..... for a moment... speechless.....

As I got onto my feet and begin to analyze my lost..... It seemed to me that my 2 month companion had really pass away.... The LCD screen is detached, the lens is stuck in open position and gives out a cracking sound whenever i attempt to switch off..... and the side metal holder was out of position as well..... I don't think that I have a good chance of getting the guarantee, it struck upon me that guarantees usually do not cover negligence on the part of the customers.... moreover i just remembered that I need a purchase receipt in order to make a valid claim... which I left at home. All is bleak..... no more pics.... sob sob sob...... and its such a good cam...... sob sob sob......

SY, WW, YH :: "Tears"............... RIP Dear FX8......

Anyway, trip to estonia was...... kinda a different experience..... think xz and merv did a good job blogging about it.... so i shall not repeat the story lar...... haha..... but..... the main lesson learnt from the trip is that:: "We sure know how it feels to be discriminated"........ Stoopid bengs and lians keep staring at us.... WTF!! KNNBCCB!! Never see asians before???? I make sure I don't see any estonxxxs hanging around in spore man..... I'll make sure he/she get it from me.... thinking of the night experiences really make my blood boil...... brrrhhhhhhhh......

Anyway, made some new frens over there..... 12 of us, some sporeans, some malaysians, and one from HK. All very easy-going people, but seriously organising trips for so many people is really taxing, esp when all of us stay in one apartment which only has one key..... kaoz.... do everything also must do together.... damn siong man.... (Thanks SN for planning for us all the time.... hehe.... and i understand y pple like to keep trips to a small grp.... its really easier la..)

kk here's some pics..... taken from my cam(before the accident), merv, and xz cam...

merv in action... gal wif cute doggies

pics on the "Vikingline" ferry

Pics at the "Palace"

Our room in Baltic Apartments

Monday, February 13, 2006

Carlsberg Brew....

Went Carlsberg visitor centre yest, kinda cool at first while we were walking up the slope.... it is sort of a trap for tourists cos the elephants, architectural stuctures, skulptures were all lined up the slope to entice you into taking photos....

The entire visit wasn't exactly the exciting type.... was great seeing liverpool posters at the ticketing counter area... and the shelves of beer bottles related to Carlsberg.... but the rest of the visit was majiam like walking in normal museums... jus words and pics.... i would say its kinda boring....

The best was saved for last.... and we deservingly got our rewards at the end of the walk.... heh.... each person was entitled to 2 glasses of free beer from the brewery.... There's Tuborg classic, Tuborg Gold, Saaz Blonde (which me sy and abel eventually bought), Brown Ale, Dark Lager, and a few others... i personally prefers Brown Ale (Daren likes it too), but i think the rest votes for Saaz Blonde... Anyway, these beer are really no child's play.... 3 glasses and a few of us are already feeling kinda tipsy... some only had 1 or 2 lor..... =p

Hmm... we then went on foot to copenhagen central, feels quite walkable.... guess we now know their stations aren't really tt far from one another eh.... haha.... met grace's friend for a while before we headed to a pizza restaurant.... damn nice and shiok except for the slight indian smell/taste to it.... not used to having indian flavoured pizza.... heh

Anyway we were really tired after walking ard for the whole day..... as the saying goes... we were "GRACIFIED"..... missed out on the 100 litres of free flow beer man.... shucks... nvm there's always a next time!

kk tt's all folks... got lecture in 10 hrs time.... think i better go kunz....

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More Pics...


Went skiing at Isaberg, Sweden last Sunday.... It was really an experience.... tho its not exactly very big (maybe cos i din get to the other side) but it sure is great for a first timer. I only saw 4 skiing hills/areas... the beginner slope, moderately beginner slope, the slightly steep slope, and of course the insanely 70 degrees slope facing the entrance of the cafe.... seriously speaking, I was intending to go on to the insane slope, which I at first thought would be a piece of cake thinking that I'm a fast learner. But.... my experience at the moderately steep slope really put a dent on my confidence... I simply can't brake properly!!! The "A" shape doesn't seem to work on slopes!! yea it sure worked on rather even ground but i can't seem to put it to use on the slope.... just keep sliding down the slope... faster and faster..... it really gets kinda scary when you see someone right in front of you and you can't brake.....

Pics coming rite up.......

gearing up......

The battle of the titans.... (*scratch head*)

damns shag climbing the slope.... tt's bcos i can't even stand in line to queue up for the ski lift... I actually fell onto 3 kids in front of me when I tried queueing up.... damn embarrassing.... ah wateva... I'll just climb the slope lor.... =p

hmm.... can't seem to upload any more pics.... shucks....
but it's really very fun skiing.... altho there was no one to really coach us..... but I bet all of us enjoyed ourselves!!!

I'm definitely gonna go again soon!! woooohoooo.............