Friday, June 30, 2006


Old Town Square

Old Town Hall Tower
featuring the astronomical clock

Spent one day covering all the famous sight-seeing attractions based on Abel's memories of his previous visit here. The weather was a continuation of the hot scorching sun in Paris... and it was here that the lengendary 12 Sporeans staying in a single dorm occured... ha. Thanks to Abel's arrangement with QC, all of us managed to stay together... kinda a gd thing since there is no security lock or wateva provided.

The Old Town Square was covered with throngs of people during our stay cos of the live World Cup screening... Didn't get to see the 'actual' square since there's all the stages, screens, decos, etc, etc... oh yar... for those Jolin fans... this is the 布拉格广场 .... ha

Charles Bridge

Think this is my favourite bridge so far. Why? cos it has a gd view across towards the Prague Castle... has a splendid aesthetic air abt it with the joyous music played by baskers all ard, artists painting and selling their pieces, and of cos with the gentle evening sunshine... it can only get better... simply lovely... =)

Prague Castle

Made our way up across the bridge towards Prague Castle... was uphill all the way... LC and SY (top left) showing great determination and perseverence in the process.... =p

As usual, we were able to reap the fruits of our labour at the end of the climb.. nice view of the Prague city from atop.. (gotta admit its not too high tho.. ha)

Saint Vitus Cathedral

(top) the cathedral tt made everyone look ghostly in pics... ha

Came across this "Shakespeare" bookshop (bottom left)... wonder if it's related to the one in Paris... ha.... bottom right shows a pasa malam type market near the old town square.

And... we managed to try some Praha cuisines. Forgot the names already... check Abel's blog if u wana know k.... *grin*

(Bottom) Some night scenes taken using my limited Canon A410.... haiiz.... if only i didn't break my Lumix.... arrrghhhhhhh...... @!$#@#$%$#%


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