Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Went skiing at Isaberg, Sweden last Sunday.... It was really an experience.... tho its not exactly very big (maybe cos i din get to the other side) but it sure is great for a first timer. I only saw 4 skiing hills/areas... the beginner slope, moderately beginner slope, the slightly steep slope, and of course the insanely 70 degrees slope facing the entrance of the cafe.... seriously speaking, I was intending to go on to the insane slope, which I at first thought would be a piece of cake thinking that I'm a fast learner. But.... my experience at the moderately steep slope really put a dent on my confidence... I simply can't brake properly!!! The "A" shape doesn't seem to work on slopes!! yea it sure worked on rather even ground but i can't seem to put it to use on the slope.... just keep sliding down the slope... faster and faster..... it really gets kinda scary when you see someone right in front of you and you can't brake.....

Pics coming rite up.......

gearing up......

The battle of the titans.... (*scratch head*)

damns shag climbing the slope.... tt's bcos i can't even stand in line to queue up for the ski lift... I actually fell onto 3 kids in front of me when I tried queueing up.... damn embarrassing.... ah wateva... I'll just climb the slope lor.... =p

hmm.... can't seem to upload any more pics.... shucks....
but it's really very fun skiing.... altho there was no one to really coach us..... but I bet all of us enjoyed ourselves!!!

I'm definitely gonna go again soon!! woooohoooo.............


Blogger chiu said...

"it really gets kinda scary when you see someone right in front of you and you can't brake....."

man, i knoe tt feeling only too well.. u can ask xue. until now my leg and toe still hurts..

1:51 PM  
Blogger -xue- said...

hiya heng!! so envious that u r having so much fun!! hehe but please come back by the 24th june k! confirm liao!! heheh

oh gosh... yeah man... i bet u wont ever forget.. that stooopppiiid woman.... haha oops and sand everywhere!!

haiz.... i miss travelling skinny... lets go again soon... far far away... =p

3:44 PM  
Blogger heng said...

heh... i haven check if I can change my return date... will let you know k?? Maybe you can send me an invitation card?? *grinz*

lol... =p

12:35 AM  

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