Monday, January 30, 2006

First day of Sch

Woke up at 630 today.... darn early..... and its so blardie... coooolllldddd....... haha.... seriously, finnish pple, have you tried waking up so early?? its really buay tahan....

So me and ys went to pick Andrew up at the airport. Yes!!! We have a new member!! He came afterall!! Welcome Yandao! haha.... so glad u finally came!! such a wonder how things turn out sometimes ya?

Anyway today's the first day of sch.... had lessons from 1-5pm... and its really from 1 to 5.... not like some pple come back and slp at 330 loh.... WTH. But its kinda fun.... cos i'm taking this Computer Animation and modelling course... and it sorts of teaches us animation and modelling using Softimage software. Cool!! Finally I'm doing something which looks as interesting as its title... It's unlike the course in NUS which i think teaches you mathematics and theoritical stuff.... so i guess i really like it this way.... Heh... =)

Phew.... kinda late now... 130am... and i have morning lessons... i wonder if i can do this everyday.... but i better rest more.... Let's plan our weekend trips pple!!! Hopefully we can go skiing this weekend.... heh...


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