Wednesday, March 29, 2006


arghhh.... i hate meetings..... cos i feel so helpless.... cos i know nuts....

i hate feeling helpless.... that same old familiar, yet disgusting state of mind....

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

First Signs of Spring

A picture speaks a thousand words....

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Seeing SNOW in Spring??!??

Yes... y am i seeing snow outside my window now.... yyyyy???????

Y do they give you 5 days of clear sunny weather only to mess it up with snow the very next day! Grhhhh..... now i'm stuck in my container.... don't even dare to go to T for brunch....

Feel damn tired now man.... slept at 6am yest (thanks to the time shift... don ask me y)
Hosted the stockholm pple ( 8 of them : ty, jeff, and 6 of their frens).... didn't know my room can actually host 2 guests when its so bloody small!! haha.... so xz and merv, rest assured tt u guys can bunk in my rm when u are here (if... u guys are still comin??)

Was my first time at nicolaj's party... was really fun.... tho the music downstairs could've been louder... ha... it was an amazing night when you see pple like Andrew get high... yes, trust me that this is not a common scene, and we know it when he's high..... have you ever hear Andrew shouting to you when there's not such a need?

Epic moment::
Andrew in conversation with a polish at a corner..... me and SY just beside them..... All of a sudden,......

Andrew::"Yea man!! (loud) You don't often see me around!! Coz I'm always studying!!! Ahahhahhahhah (Even louder)"

I immediately nudged SY:
"Eh.. i think Andrew is high"

SY looks and nodded in apprehension

Andrew:: shouts across "U think I'm drunk?? ...... Yea hell man!! I'm drunk!!"

ROFL...... boi tahan....

partied till 3am.... walked back, tok cock, till 6am.... power siah....
The only gd thing abt snowing right this moment... is tt i have an excuse to hide in my rm..... ahahhaha..... rest my case to go Carlsberg today.... crazy man.... travel so far to Carlsberg when its bloody snowing..... zzz.. =p

went shopping yest at copenhagen... damn some of the things are really quite cheap....
bought this sweater(S$33/129 DKK) + belt (S$15/59 DKK) at NewYorker.... plenty of stuff on sale.....

and... the things at the China groceries stores are imba as well..... i feel like moving the entire fridge of dumplings and tangyuan back home....walew...... chinese fooooddd......

The one thing i really miss abt Spore is food man (and of cos my frens and family! =p)

Char kuay tiao, Sambal Sting Ray, Carrot Cake, Mee Pok, Roti Prata, Chicken Rice, Sambal Kankong..... wah.... once i start.... the list just keeps going on.... gotta stop... shhhhhh

nua sunday.... depressing snow.... where is our Spring?? The beautiful Spring that has eluded us for weeks.... It's long overdue brother..... come quick pls?

Monday, March 20, 2006

Dam!! Welcome to the Land of Vices..

Amsterdam, a beautiful city filled with tourists. Multicultural, bustling with life in the day, and boasts an extraordinary night life.....

Day One
We were greeted by the smiling faces of SY and Andrew the moment we stepped out of the Schiphol Airport Arrival Hall. They had been in Amsterdam a day earlier and SY was immed telling us abt what he had seen in just one day...Even Andrew got all excited sharing his views on the newly found interest.. =p

After the 5euros BK meal, we begin our journey towards Amsterdam Central where our hostels were located. Although SY and Andrew kindly led us to the red light destrict, it was Abel who eventually topo-ed us to the StayOkHostel.. Ha... I still have doubts over SY's topo skills... but nvm... later he sure kb me....

The hostel lobby looks decent at first sight.... here's how it looks like....

After close to 40 minutes of checking in ( the lady's kinda slow in the normal slack European way), we finally offloaded our luggages in the rooms.. Finally, we can now have a closer look at the largely talked abt red light districts of amsterdam.. Before we head off towards our destination, SY warned sternly "You guys can take pictures, but not at the ladies hor".

It was really an eye-opener.... The "open-concept" adopted was truly astonishing, the gals were at most.. yes at most... bikini clad, not to mention the business-luring antics. The neon-lights had a certain enticing effect as well, especially when some of the gals wore luminous attires which further enhanced the contours of their bodies... hmmm... I hope I'm not getting too descriptive... no pics, so i'm trying my best here ya?

Anyway, it was soon approaching 2am. Andrew and SY had to leave early b'cos of their hostel's curfew so LC and me decided to stay around a little longer while the rest headed back to rest. Hmm... this proved to be a turning point of my weekend trip....

We found this coffeeshop named "GreenHouse Seed Co.". It turned out that a fren of mine went there as well and said that it's one of the better ones selling "m" and other related products. So me and LC decided to try the legendary "m". There were a few categories... "high", "stone", etc. It was our first time so LC decided to keep to the basics and bought the mildest type.

Our attempts at making the consumable pdt paled in comparison to the "old birds" seating beside us at the bar. Theirs looked flawless while ours looked like the "ang huns" that our grandparents consumed.... ha... we made 2 and both looked funny. Ordered a space-cake and 2 beers each as well... Hmmm.. the spacecakes didn't taste any different from an ordinary chocolate cake... quite disappointing I would say... but the "m" consumable itself.... erhemmm...

I wasn't feeling anything until we finished the 2nd one.... wow.... i was seeing double of the bar-tender while i downed the last drops of beer... impressive. I immed signalled to LC tt it's time to leave... went back to sleep till the next day afternoon....

Day Two (Wasted)

So I woke up at 9am to have my breakfast but i felt so giddy tt i couldn't even bring myself to take my own food... had to ask Abel for help... haha... so it turned out tt i needed more sleep, so i went back to bed after eating... As a result, I missed my bike trip which the others went at 12 noon.... sigh.... =(

LC waited at the hostel till I finally woke up at 2pm... phew was feeling much better then.. So paiseh, the previous night's impulse had resulted in me missing out on the city bike tour.... I really felt quite bad tt LC had to give it a miss as well man....

So, in the end, LC and I went ard on foot abt the city centre....
Glimpses of the city in the day...

notice the gloomy feel to the pics... it was kinda misty tt day... and quite cold as well...

As night approached, we retreated back to the hostel... coming out to walk in the ever busy streets now and then as we waited for the rest to return... A rough estimate showed tt we walked at least 6 times ard the "window" streets on tt day.... witnessing the changing of shifts, the improving standards as it gets later, and of cos the "cai"'s (dunno if its appropriate to call them cai) amongst the displays...

The most noticable was definitely the gal in yellow.... and the one offering "super-sex massage"... The former was extremely sweet-looking, while the later had the mark of a super-model... in terms of both looks and figure...

We managed to try one of the live peep shows which is sort of an OTOT concept whereby u pay a coin machine which allows you to view the show from a cubicle... We caught the couple show but it wasn't really exciting... just the normal stuff.... boring actually... ha

Had dinner at a chinese restaurant ard the corner.....

Ha.. the pics sorta reminds me of HK....
The beef hor fun and shui jiao mian were simply fabulous... large servings somemore..... yumzzz....

Day Three

To make up for lost time, LC and I woke up at 7am the next day... having the free breakfast (730-930) before we left for the windmill at the edge of the city.... Talking abt breakfast... I think the timing really sux..... they should like extend the time till 11am mah!! How can you expect pple to wake up so bloody early when they are on hols rite!! grhhh.... dumb.

Took 30-45 mins on foot to reach the windmill.... well... its really just a windmill standing in the middle of the junction... ha....

The itenary was to visit Van Gogh museum then Heineken.. but we were horrified to see the queues outside the Van Gogh museum, as well as the Rembrandt one.... didn't know that people would be flocking to these destinations!! I thought only pple like me would wanna go visit these art museums.... sad.... so in the end we had no choice but to skip them...

Heineken visitor centre.... (10 euros for entrance + 3 beers + free gift)

Some of the peeps who didn't manage to try "m" decided to have a go at it as well after the Heineken experience.... this time the space cake was much smaller... tastes more like hersheys choc... ha...

Wow.... this loading of pics really took me some time man.... i guess those who might wanna know about the complete weekend version should take a look at Abel's blog when he has finished blogging.... work beckons for now.... ciao....


Friday, March 17, 2006

Amsterdam here we come....

Just came back from Copenhagen.... had a great time there man.... now i know wat's the difference between Copenhagen and Lyngby.... =p

Anyway,.... we (spore alliance) would be heading to amsterdam for the weekend.... heard its a... _ _ _ _ _ paradise... so, let's keep our fingers crossed for now... i'm still the good spore boy afterall!!

Was so relieved yest after the presentation... it's really the first time tt I've spent time doing smth concrete... even had to prepare some sort of script, cos i think it's really good that we can show the angmohs we can speak well... ha... And the good thing is.... there were not many questions during the QnA, which is so unusual b'cos we've seen previous grps being bombarded with endless questions.... ahahhahha

At the end of the presentation, Ravi, another guy taking the same module came up to me and said "Well done man, That was a great presentation.".... OMG, tt sure sounds soothing to the ear...

kk.... so long dudes... and.... tho its kinda late.... have fun Finish Fellas!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Roskilde, Vikingeskibsmuseet

Luckily Abel din't put too many pics on his blog.... otherwise that would leave my blog largely "picture-less". Courtesy of our cap'able, admir'able, and honor'able Abel, we were able to take many pics during our sat trip down to Roskilde... a town quite far from lyngby actually, took us 7 zones to reach there...

I was expecting to see some viking ships soon after we step out of the train station... somehow i'm hoping for a relaxing, no frills weekend trip down to some pretty and perhaps famous attraction in Denmark.. so ya... i din't expect to walk much. But hell, the plan was to make use of the 2 hrs leeway with our 7 zones tics to walk around copenhagen first, before heading down to Roskilde. So we did, and came across some really cheap shops... wow "cheap" is a rare term used in Denmark.... but i guess the "Tiger" shop is truly one shop that we can finally find affordable items.. its their version of Singapore's "ValueOne" shop. Imagine 10 krones for 8 lighters!! now that's what i call a good buy..

Anyway, this is the first time that I walk Copenhagen Central in the morning... the weather was fantastic... cooling, strong sun, good crowd.... simply wonderful.... I think this would be the prelude to the elegant European city during Spring-time.... Oh I can still imagine myself walking in the sunlit streets... listening to the street tunes whistling in the winds... best..

Ok, anyway by the time we reached Roskilde... All of our stomachs were grumbling, and food was definitely my no.1 concern... of cos it happened tat i was the most severly handicapped as I had to wake up to find 3 pple standing outside my door (living up to my danish RDS reputation), forcing me to change asap without eating my breakfast, hence not having any food for at least 3 hrs outside in the cold winter conditions... brhhhh... haha...

Trust me... although the sun was strong... the cold weather and winds still played their part in making me shiver in hunger as we searched for the "legendary" Viking museum. After what felt like hours of walking (30 mins in reality), we finally decided to settle our breakfast cum lunch at a small restaurant, after looking at the 55 krones grilled chicken set meal advertisement.

It must be the most heavenly food I've had in weeks.... aha...

After the fulfilling set meal, it was already half past 3 and we immed hurried towards the viking museum after consulting the city map.

Apparently, since the sea was frozen, there weren't gonna be any boat rides.... but we din't expect the museum to be so small.... just a single storey of exhibits for 45 DKK... obviously we're not gonna pay for tt!! haha... guess we had a better time taking pics outside...

There was this church which looks kinda grand since it was standing in the middle of low-rise housings... Think its called Roskilde Domkirke according to the brochures....