Friday, May 19, 2006

Malmo + Dublin + Tivoli

Lazy to blog the remaining trips separately..... memories are fast fading anyway..... so these are the pics folks..... enjoy.


The europeans posing away at 9am in the morning? SY joining in the fun....

C'mon.... show some respect to the swedish flag... Dear Merv admiring his namesake.


What's Dublin without Guinness......

The "long needle".... or Sphire..... where dear merv waited so patiently for us..... Paiseh lar bro... it was pure miscommunication k? ha......

Trinity College.....

Intelligent poses.... reminds me of the "Tan Kah Kee" statue.....

The famous Butler's Cafe

Some imba drummer which set SY drooling away......

Ahhh.... what a sweet picture.... our very own Nordic Queen.... heh... and of cos our bubbly SY

F.I.R. spoof


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Exam Blues

On 18th May..... eve of ADC Oral

Hmm.... Taking a small break from studying ADC (Advanced Data Comms).... nothing seems to be going in.... I'm like jus browsing through the pages without understanding... just highlight all the keywords and tt's it.... i jus can't seem to remember what I jus read an hr ago!! omg.....

On 19th May..... just after ADC Oral

Well.... what can I say.... I'm really HENGSTER ..... The moment I flipped open the piece of paper... I really felt a tinge of relief running through my veins... "Peer to Peer Protocol" How lucky can I get man.... if it was "ARQ" even better lar... but I don't think I can ask for more.... At least I know that I can say something abt this topic...

Got a 9..... damn happy le... tho someone expects me to get 11... but erm.... I think 9 is more than enough le.... told ya i only aim for 8 or 9 wat...... ha.

So.... one module passed, if nth goes wrong, 2001 should pass too.... so only left 2 more modules!! yooohooooo.... which are projects based.... so should be able to pass lar.... although as usual i'm going to complain that these projects are very time-consuming.... blablabla.... and no one seems to believe.... oh well... wth

I've had enuff of work for now.... bloody hectic week.... so I'm gonna give myself a break today.... despite Nestor's pleas for us to work on the programming for Embedded Sys.... noooooooo.... no work for today!! Poor Nestor must regret partnering us.... a bunch of nua sporean exchange students.... wahahahhahhaha!!

Lots of thoughts running through my mind while I was sitting outside the exam room, waiting for my turn....

Could felt my heart thumping so hard... when was the last time i took an oral examination? Secondary maybe? 8 yrs back? haha.... lousy me can't even calm my nerves down for a simple oral exam... Suddenly wondered what if my heart stops beating..... how nice..... *crazy me*

Saw the rest (Danish students) frantically trying to do last minute read-ups.... and I was jus waiting idly beside them... wondered y I'm not doing the same, then i realised that what i needed was luck, more than last minute revisions.... and i'm just so blessed that luck was with me today....

what if my heart stops beating? could dying be as painless as sleeping?

Monday, May 15, 2006

Caffeine overdose

Been drinking a lot of tea and coffee recently...... not tt it keeps me awake.... in fact i've been sleeping quite a lot.... grhhhh.... wat's wrong with me??? 4 days away from my first paper and I'm like still not kan cheong??

ok it's sep... but as everyone here knows.... we really don wana fail any of our modules.... the thought of it is unimaginable....

well.... i don't think i'm in the mood to update the dublin trip.... so i guess it's either when i'm free enough or till i see u guys in spore then show u the pics ba....

current mood: moodless...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Gloomy Berlin

Hmm... Michelle had earlier told us that she went pass and saw our accomdation at Eastern Comfort Hostel and that it looks kinda dodgy from far.... oh no.... but luckily, it turned out to be far from dodgy.... felt more like a star cruise cabin.

Just look at how happy SY and LC were teasing and "flirting" with each other..... ahhhh... so blissful.... =p. nice double-decker beds they have.... no wonder we never fail to wake up after 10... tt's the slack way of travelling we (LC, SY, YS, and me) always believe in.

Presenting to you the Berlin Wall.... hmmm.. kinda disappointing eh, lotsa mural-paintings/graffiti along the entire stretch. And it was merely just 10 metres from our hostel. Before I realised that wat looks like a stretch of vandalised public wall is actually the Berlin Wall, I was wondering why tourists were stopping by the road, snapping pictures of this old, ugly wall.... makes no sense to me, until i realised the significance of cos...

Our first touristy visit was to the concentration camp at the north of Berlin. Sachsenhausen concentration camp for the jews during World War II. The gloomy skies and slightly cold weather made sure that we came in the right mood for the occasion. It was indeed an enriching but yet melancholic visit.

Just look at the expressions on our face at the end of the visit.... sadz....

went eating at this Vietnamese restaurant after our visit to the concentration camp, even though we were supposed to have dinner at Sophia's place... heh. We were too hungry from the endless walking, so you can't really blame us when we saw food on our way back to the station. Apart from the superb curry and fried rice tt we ate, something farnie happened while we were making our orders.

I was so thirsty after all the walking, and suddenly felt like eating ice-cream when we were outside the restaurant looking at the menu. So, as we sat down to make our orders at the waitress who apparently looks like the shopkeeper's daughter, i said tt i wanted an ice-cream but she didn't understand.... ok fine, so i decided that using some simple sign language would do the job. And i started to "act", by pretending to hold a stick of ice-cream in front of my mouth, and then "licking" it.... i was performing the "sign language" in the context of eating an ice-cream, without being suggestive at all. After a few tries, she still couldn't understand and LC decided to help by using his 6-mth-trained German.

LC :: "Can we have a Ice-bascher?"
Waitress :: "Huh?"
LC :: " Ya, Ice-bascher..."
Waitress :: "Ohhhhh!!" nodded in apprehension, and hurriedly went behind the counter..... We thought... woah... LC so zai, should have jus asked him to help me order la!!

When she came back, guess wat she was holding in her hands. An ash tray... AHAHAHHAHAHHAH.....pengz....

Then, even after my failed attempts earlier on, I continued to show her the "sign language" hoping that I could make more sense than LC. In the end, I think she was too embarrassed and walked away... asking her dad to take orders from us instead. And according to the rest, she thinks I'm trying to be naughty..... omg.... c'mon.... do i look like tt sort?!?....zzzzz

At night, we paid Sophia a visit at her dorm..... supposedly on an empty stomach so tt we could try some of Sophia + Abel's cooking.... heh.

As usual, after dinner, we had one of our complimentary lamborgini sessions... It has become Abel's (and perhaps Singapore's) trademark drink. You can see Sophia and her friend taking turns to make the drink.

Next day, we decided to attend one of the Berlin tours. Being the poor students that we are, we decided that it would be best if we get the "free tour". Hmm... got such gd deals meh?? haha... must have a catch somewhere rite.

First attraction:: Brandenburg Gate

Second attraction:: Holocaust Memorial

Third attraction:: Checkpoint Charlie

That's checkpoint charlie for you.... from my understanding, it is merely a gateway along the berlin wall... there's a signboard erected that shows a U.S. officer on one side, and a russian one on the other.... signifies the different regimes in West and East Berlin. Notice that the guards standing at the station aren't exactly on sediya position.. taking time off to look at each others' boots.... haha... slack lar!! actually they are only there for tourist purposes. Wayang only.

Fourth attraction:: Reichstag

Fifth attraction:: Berlin Wall (again!!... haha but this one a bit more historical.. cos there's a lot of narrations lined up along the walls to help you understand more abt the history behind it... but we didn't get to read them tho)

Some other attractions which we hurried pass cos we were lost and trying to make our way back to the tour grp... why?? erm.... a few factors.... first I was stuck in the gents for too long, such that we overshot the next meeting timing, and then when i came out, LC, SY and YS were all munching at their kebabs... and i was like... wtf..... this time abel sure dulan us.... hahahha....

Hmm.. i do know the bottom right pic tho... cos i bought a postcard of it... ahahha... it's called the Neptune Fountain.... and as usual when i see tourists taking photos of smth... i guess it's defnintely worth to take one as well... come back then see wat it is lar..... oops.... damn slack..

TV tower on the right... some other building on the left which was once significant but now about to be demolished... omg.. tt's the prob with posting now really... can't remem all the names!!

And so this is it... the last leg of our Easter trip... a pity i couldn't spend more time on the posts... cos there's really more than wat i've said here.... anyway.. jus wana let mummy, daddy, bro and sis have a look at more photos... so i guess it serves its purpose..... wondering if i should blog abt dublin.... memory fading fast now le.... haha.... old old.....

And I only have like less than a mth left in Denmark?? omg how time flies..... on one hand i do miss home.. family and frens... on the other... i might just start missing Denmark.... how ironic...